Talia Announces Interconnection Service to AWS, Azure, Facebook and Google Cloud
Talia has today announced enhancements to its core network, adding interconnects to Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Facebook and Google.
With a large portfolio of satellite capacity on a number of satellites, Talia always has available capacity which can be utilised by customers for occasional use services. These services can range in duration from one hour to one month.
These services may be compressed video, uncompressed video or even data services. Whether covering a two-hour concert, a sports season, or immediate breaking news, Talia has the expertise to make sure events are transmitted on time and without interruption.
Talia’s occasional use service can quickly redistribute videos from a flyaway unit, a studio, or other satellites, to switching centers and production studios across the globe. Talia provides broadcasters with rapidly deployable connectivity to relay recorded footage or live transmissions.
Talia’s Network Operations Center is fully staffed 24/7/365 delivering content, and giving instant broadcast distribution capabilities across the globe.